I've been breaking making websites for over 15 years.

Suckerfish Style Menus in Drupal 6.x

drupalI spent hours and hours hunting around for a simple solution to implementing suckerfish-style drop-down menus in Drupal 6. Lo-and-behold, I couldn’t find one. Every solution out there was overly complicated, and didn’t quite do what I wanted it to.

After a few hours of hacking around, this is the solution I came up with.

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PHP/Javascript File Uploader

uploadRecently one of our clients was in need of the ability to upload files to their webserver. This was easily accomplished with PHP’s built in functionality. But the draw back to this approach was that end-user had little or no indication that anything was happening.

Now we all know what happens. Typical scenario: User clicks a button. Seemingly nothing happens… *click*…. *clickety-click*… *CLICK CLICK CLICK*. Refresh, Reload. We all know how impatient some people can get. Specially when they don’t see the immediate gratification that is seeing something react when you push a button.
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Mimic AJAX Form Posts with PHP, Javascript, and Cookies

I was recently reading various articles on how to load external pages using javascript and loading the results into a container div, mimicing that aspect of AJAX requests. But the main complaint I read was that you couldn’t POST. I thought it would be neat to figure out a way to do this, so after toying around with a few ideas, I came up with this dirty little method of posting form fields through javascript, passing the fields and values to php script through cookies, placing them into the $_POST array, and proceeding with business as usual.

Note that this method requires that the user has Javascript and cookies enabled. Also note that there is absolutely NO USE of the XmlHttpRequest object.
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